Thursday, September 20, 2012

Value Portraits

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
      First, Mrs. Rossi took a picture of me and printed it out for me to trace over where the light hit my face. Secondly, I put tracing paper over the picture to trace the values of my face. After I was done tracing the values of my face, I had to scribble on the back of the tracing paper in order to transfer my drawing into my sketch book. After I was done with that, I went back and traced over my face all over again to transfer it into the sketch book. Once everything was all transferred, I had to shade the values of my face.
2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
     So basicly, I held the picture of my face up to the window with the tracing paper on top of it and I traced over the different values. I found the different values by tracing the values and then shading them in according to where the light hit my face.
3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
    I achieved a full range of different values within my portrait by holding up my portable value chart to my original picture and I shaded accordingly. I learned that I liked having just regular pencils to draw rather than drawing pencils. Because, I felt that the leads of some of the drawing pencils were very soft and I just liked the regular pencils better for shading.
4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
   I personally think it wasn't that great and I think I could've done better. I think on some of the values they were a lot darker than they should've been. Overall, I felt it was pretty neat but could've been neater.
5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
    One of the bigger issues I had to deal with was my mental outlook on my drawing because, I am a perfectionist and sometimes I have to step back and realize that everything I do won't be perfect. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting to turn out the way it did. Overall I think I did okay on this project.

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