Friday, September 7, 2012

Value Study Drawings

Along with the photos, please write about your experience working on each project. The following questions can be used as a guide. You don't need to answer all the questions...

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
I think that I need to work on my color blending skills, but overall I think I did a pretty good job. :)

2. if this was a group project, what was your contribution?

3. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
I feel pretty successful for the most part, but I think I have some work to do with my shading and drawing skills.

4. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
This project worked because it was fun to experiment with the oil pastels. I don't think that there were many problems with the project. Overall it was really easy

5. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
I would've wanted more colors to choose from with the oil pastels, because there's only so many color schemes you can make.

6. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
I think it was hard to figure out where you were supposed to transition into a different color was because, on some of the shapes I drew, each space that I shaded seemed to be too large.
7. What did you learn from this piece?
I learned how to shade and blend colors.

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